Code of Conduct


This policy is to ensure all committee and general members, employees and volunteers of The Blamey Community Group Inc. behave appropriately and practice standards of professional and personal conduct that are consistent with our values and uphold the public reputation of the organisation.

The Blamey Community Group Inc. may amend or vary this Code of Conduct, in its absolute discretion, from time to time.


This Code of Conduct applies to all The Blamey Community Group Inc’s management committee members, general members, employees and volunteers.


The Code of Conduct outlines the required standard of acceptable conduct and behaviour that is expected of all management committee members, general members, employees and volunteers in the performance of their duties and interactions in the workplace. This required standard of acceptable conduct and behaviour supports The Blamey Community Groups Inc’s ability to maintain public trust and confidence in the integrity and professionalism of the services provided to the community.

The Code of Conduct and the behaviours outlined within it are fundamental to The Blamey Community Group Inc’s building healthy and positive relationships with its members. The Code of Conduct also governs the way in which employees and volunteers are to relate to other staff, members, visitors and stakeholders.

The Code of Conduct is not intended to provide a detailed and exhaustive list of what to do in every aspect of work. Instead, it represents a broad framework that will help guide conduct and behaviour in the performance of duties and interactions in the workplace.


The purpose of Blamey Community Group Inc. is to be an inclusive community group who understands and welcomes all Defence members and their families. We understand and strive to support the unique lifestyle and challenges families face during deployments, relocations and managing day to day military life. Blamey Community Group Inc’s purpose is to promote and build personal growth, resilience and enrich our member’s lives, through creating connections, within the community, that they may not have otherwise made.


Every member of The Blamey Community Group Inc. shall at all time when acting in their capacity as management committee member, general member, employee or volunteer:

  • Consider the interests of the organisation’s stakeholders, its clients, it employees and the community and the environment in which it operates,
  • Communicate the organisation’s mission, its strategy, and its culture to members, employees, stakeholders and the public in a positive way;
  • Observe the provisions of the Constitution, its policies and rules of the organisation;
  • Disclose, and take reasonable steps to avoid, any conflicts of interest (perceived or actual) in connection with the organisation;
  • Ensure to the best of their ability that the organisation is complying with all applicable Federal, State and local legislation and regulation, including observing sound financial practices and managing potential risks effectively;
  • Behave honestly and with integrity and shall not take any advantage of my position within the organisation;
  • Act with care and diligence and treat colleagues, clients and the community with courtesy and respect, and without harassment;
  • Preserve, where appropriate, the confidentiality of the organisation’s business,
  • including all committee business and discussions, unless authorised to do so;
  • Promote diversity in all aspects of the governance and the management of the organisation;
  • Protect the privacy of the organisation’s employees, clients and customers;
  • Devote time and effort to fulfil the requirements necessary for the performance of any duties assigned by the organisation by reading the materials and participating fully in meetings.
  • Not enter into any financial relationship with the organisation without the approval of the management committee; and
  • Not bring the organisation or its mission into disrepute.

Working With Children

The Blamey Community Group Inc’s management committee members, general members, employees or volunteers are expected to adhere to the government’s Child Protection Act & Regulation (Working with Children Check) legislation and relevant procedures.


Personal and professional behaviour

All management committee members, general members, employees or volunteers are expected to maintain a standard of professional behaviour that maintains and promotes confidence and trust in the work of The Blamey Community Group Inc.

As management committee members, general members, employees or volunteers engaged by organisation, our personal and professional conduct must strive to create a harmonious, safe and productive workplace which models our organisational values.

As management committee members, general members, employees or volunteers of The Blamey Community Group Inc. it is incumbent upon us to:

  • uphold the highest standards of honesty and integrity in the conduct of duties;
  • respect the dignity of the public, our members, volunteers and other employees by treating them with courtesy, honesty and sensitivity to their rights;
  • treat others fairly and with respect;
  • Not discriminating on grounds such as gender, sexual orientation, race, ability, cultural background, religious status, marital status, age or political conviction
  • An awareness and respect for cultural difference
  • Engaging in rational debate allowing for alternative points of view to be expressed
  • exercise our best judgment in the interests of the organisation and our members;
  • make decisions ethically, fairly and without bias using the best factual information available;
  • comply with any legislative, industrial or administrative requirements, and all lawful and reasonable directions given by persons in authority;
  • comply with all the organisation’s policies and procedures relevant to the person’s position; and
  • act responsibly in the event of becoming aware of any unethical behaviour or wrongdoing by any other employee or volunteer and report such conduct or activities to the appropriate level of management.

Use of information

All management committee members, general members, employees and volunteers must:

  • protect confidential information, including information discussed in business arising from committee meetings;
  • only access confidential information when it is required for business purposes;
  • not use confidential information for any unofficial or non-committee purposes; and
  • only release confidential information if authorised to do so, in the manner agreed upon

Management committee members, general members, employees and volunteers are only permitted to release confidential information in accordance with established policies and procedures. As a guideline, information shall not be given unless:

  • required to do so by law;
  • appropriate authority has been granted to release the information;
  • the information is officially available to the public and is released in accordance with the organisation’s procedures.

Conflicts of interest

The Code of Conduct should be read in conjunction with the Conflict of Interest Policy and applies to management committee members, general members, employees or volunteers.

In addition, the Code of Conduct considers appropriateness of certain personal relationships. Where a committee member is involved in a decision relating to the selection, appointment or promotion of a person with whom they share a personal relationship, for example a family member, it must be immediately declared in writing to the management committee prior to the decision being made. The Blamey Community Group Inc. treats any conflict of interest in this regard extremely seriously and any instance of non-disclosure may result in disciplinary action.

Use of centre resources

The Blamey Community Group Inc. equipment, funds, facilities and other resources are to be

  • effectively, economically and carefully; and
  • for the benefit of The Blamey Community Group Inc.

Public comment

All management committee members, general members, employees or volunteers must ensure that public comments (either verbal or written) made in a private capacity are not attributed as official comment of The Blamey Community Group Inc.

Furthermore, management committee members, general members, employees or volunteers must abide by The Blamey Community Group Inc. Media and Social Media Policies when using social networking sites and commenting on the organisation in any manner.

Acceptance of gifts and benefits

It is unethical for management committee members, general members, employees, or volunteers to solicit any gifts, benefits or additional money for themselves or other Defence Community Centre committee members, general members, employees or volunteers.

The Code of Conduct should be read in conjunction with the Gifts & Benefits Policy.


Where it is established that a management committee member, general member, employee or volunteer has breached the Code of Conduct, they may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of committee position, employment or engagement with the organisation.


This policy has been authorised by The Blamey Community Group Inc. management committee

Employees are expected to comply with all The Blamey Community Group Inc. policies and procedures.